E-accessible version of The Essentials of CSR is available online!​

For inclusivity, equality, and diversity, the Essentials of CSR 2020 are available in e-accessible version

Groupe Rocher is committed to a diversity and inclusion approach to allow all employees access to all documents. For this reason, the Essentials of CSR now exists in a format for people with disabilities! This document is an opportunity to relive the key moments, the great actions and the great initiatives implemented over the last 5 years thanks to the mobilization of our people. ​

Accessibility standards were implemented through the PublispeakTM interface, optimizing the keyboard and computer mouse. The reading is made easier thanks to assistance software such as screen displays, vocal guidance and braille transcriptions (for visually impaired readers). This document, accessible and interactive, is aligned with the double A level in the accessibility norms WCAG2.1 and the RGAA 3.0 standards. ​

To read it, just click on the following links: ​