New governance
A new governance of Groupe Rocher, July 1st
Bris Rocher, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Groupe Rocher since 2009, decided, in accordance with governance best practices in international groups, to delegate his executive functions to a new Chief Executive Officer.
Starting July 1st, 2023, Bris Rocher will be focusing on the group strategy as Chairman of the Board, and Jean-David Schwartz will hold the position of CEO of the group.
While the group has become heavily internationalized over the past ten years and is facing significant challenges, Bris Rocher isinitiating this new governance structure to adapt the group to market changes and maximize its future development. The delegation of his executive duties will provide the agility and pragmatism crucial for navigating complex environments.
A clearly established dual leadership
In this context, Bris Rocher's role will notably be to define and lead the group's long-term strategic vision, and its unique position as a Mission-Driven Company.
It will be the responsibility of the Executive Management to ensure the operational management of the business and the implementation of short and medium-term strategies.
A reshaped Executive Committee to implement an ambitious strategy
Within the framework of the Green Conquest 2030 strategy, which is already yielding initial results, the Executive Management will focus on operational execution, starting with prioritizing efforts based on three identified priorities: improving the group's profitability, meeting its financial commitments, and preparing for the future particularly by addressing the environmental and social challenges that lie at the heart of its mission.
The Executive Committee’s organization, serving the deployment of the Groupe Rocher’s strategy and promoting the success of its collective project, is evolving to meet the company’s challenges better. Composed of new members, mainly issued from the Groupe Rocher, this new Excom will be more operational, swift and agile.
Led by Jean-David Schwartz, it will be constituted starting from July 1st, 2023, as follows:
- Two Core divisions: People and Mission group, directed by Jeanne Renard, and Finance and Legal group, to be led by Laurent Delaurière starting July 1st;
- Operational divisions: Information Systems group directed by Stanislas Duthier, New Product Development group with a forthcoming appointment, and Operations group led by Vincent Taglioni;
- Brands divisions: Regarding Yves Rocher and Petit Bateau, two new appointments will take effect on September 1st: Guillaume Darrousez as Chief Executive Officer of Yves Rocher, also in charge of Dr. Pierre Ricaud and Global Strategic Insights and Alexandre Rubin as of CEO of Petit Bateau. Jean-David Schwartz will oversee the transition for Yves Rocher until September 1st.