Digital Responsability Ambitions 2030

Act to reduce our digital impact
Act to reduce our digital impact

The impact of digital technology is growing exponentially

In 2020, digital technology represents 4% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world, more than air transport! And studies show that the impact of digital technology is growing exponentially: it is expected to double or even triple in the next 15 years.

Today, there are more than 34 billion pieces of IT equipment (computers, smartphones, screens) that had to be manufactured and that must be supplied with electricity.

That’s why having responsible digital consumption is a necessity today. This is defined by the Responsible Digital Institute (Institut du Numérique Responsable) as follows: "Responsible digital technology is a process of continuous improvement which aims to reduce the ecological, economic and social footprint of information and communication technologies".

A responsible digital strategy that uses less energy, is more inclusive, more equitable and more united

Groupe Rocher is therefore committed to implementing a responsible digital strategy that uses less energy, is more inclusive, more equitable and more united.

This “IT Responsibility” approach is based on 4 pillars:

  1. Reduce the carbon impact linked to the Group's IT activities ;
  2. Develop a resilient, sustainable and accessible information system ;
  3. Develop sobriety in digital usages ;
  4. Support the Group in its green transformation.

A “Digital responsibility" roadmap to 2030

  • By 2030, measure and reduce the carbon footprint of our IT services by 30% (vs. 2019)
  • 100% of new eco-designed solutions by 2030.
  • Make La Gacilly, a low carbon territory with 100% of digital users aware of digital responsibility by 2025.
  • 100% of employees of IT Department made aware of digital responsibility every year.

Our ambition: to train entire generations of professionals in digital sobriety to transform our practices and reduce our impact.